Sunday, April 15, 2012

Content migration

The content that was formerly hosted on is being migrated to the Technology Muse blog.

To locate specific information that you may have found in Google cache please search the Technology Muse Blog ***

*** The search is made using the Blogger internal search, the box in the task bar above. This does not mean looking at the cached pages in the Google Cache.

For example:
If you are looking for information about "Twitter" type "Twitter" in the box at the top left of the Blogger screen (the one with the magnifying glass).
This will give you the current page, if it exists, not the one that Google indexed the last time it spidered the blog. If the search results in nothing found then it probably means that I have either deleted the page or I have not yet migrated the content.
I am not going to migrate all of the content that was on the TempusFugit Website.
If pages are deleted from these blogs then they are no longer available for public access. To remove the content from Google's cache will require my co-operation.